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Who is



What is


WHY is

Chances are, you stumbled here by accident or out of curiosity. Consider this my digital room.

Many of us has had to deal with being homebound during this heinous virus invasion, and like most of you, I've had to find other ways to keep myself busy mentally. 

Eventually, I started taking up too many new interests. Well, they've always been interests, I just never really took up on actually doing them. I bought a website domain, I got myself a cricut, heat press machine, photoshop and video editing software - not the cheap free kind you can download, either. 

I'm slowly learning how to use these software and damn, there's so much more to editing than I could have ever realized. It takes so much time and effort to get a decent image or video...and even then, you're still not completely satisfied!

So with the new fun photos and video editing I've been tinkering with, I thought, why the heck not put them on the site that I bought and really have no use for, ha. 

Anyway, a lot of the images you might see sprinkled around are just for fun and are in no means meant to try and convince you that I'm actually standing on the shores of a foggy lake with the amazing mountain view behind me...hehe. 



Ok, I tell you.

Seriously, who am I?

I'm really just some random lady in the Twin Cities...been here for 90% of my life, I was born on a very small Island not too far from here.

I have an amazing man in my life who is the center of my universe and has been for the past two decades.

I live an uneventful life with a routine that almost never changes. You're almost guaranteed to find me at home any day, any time of day.

I have a large family most of whom have their own families and lives so we don't see each other much, even though we're mostly in the same city. However, my hoe bag sisters have moved far far away so I see them less often...yes, those damn betches.

Alright, I don't really want to overshare, but poke around enough on the site, you may pick up on additional aspects of my life if you're curious. 

Every girl growing up has had a string of crushes and lovers... please let me share with you who mine are. 

My past lovers...

When I was around 12-14 years old, I was convinced that I was gonna marry JTT one day. Oh, my first love, Jonathan Taylor Thomas...every single inch of my bedroom wall was covered with his pictures, I had stacks and stacks of Teen Beat, Tiger Beat and Big Bopper magazines, I learned everything I could about him..

I knew that if we could meet, even for just a few minutes, that he would fall desperately in love me and want to marry me. 

Unfortunately, he never found me, I got tired of waiting for him and moved on, sorry JTT. 

I had "boyfriends" here and there over the next few months, but none of them has ever measured up to JTT, so they never worked out. They didn't give me the feels that he did. 

Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Jonathan Taylor Thomas

circa 1995

Then one day while standing under the golden arch, I saw a boy scout who had the cutest smile. He seemed bashful and so innocent and had an occasional squeak and break in his voice when he spoke. I would continue to see the boy scout for a few more weeks till he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was still getting over my first love, but reluctantly said yes. 


Kang Ta (H.O.T.)

circa 2000

I'm not gonna lie, just because I had my boy scout doesn't mean my eyes didn't stray. Yes, I met someone else that I wanted to marry. His name was KangTa, a beautiful man who hails from South Korea...the incredibly talented lead singer for the Kpop group H.o.T. I know, right?

I didn't keep it a secret from my boy scout that another man had stolen my heart and that it was now my life's mission to meet him, for he too, needed to fall in love with me. 

In 2000, I did manage to meet up with KangTa at the Westin Bonaventure hotel in Los Angeles, but he showed up with the rest of his idol-mates, like seriously, you were too afraid to come alone? 

Ok, relax you guys...I'm kidding. They were there for a concert and we had flown out to see them, lol! I'm not that delusional,

Anyway, I did meet him though. We had stayed in the hotel that night and they happened to be staying there too...we bumped into them the next morning while waiting for my dad to come pick us up and I got a picture with him. 

Unfortunately, there were no sparks..he was painfully shy and reserved. I knew right away it'd never work. It absolutely broke my heart. When I watched him drive away from the front of the hotel with the rest of his manager and posse, I chose to close his chapter as well. Bye KangTa.

It would be a few more years until my heart strayed again. I wasn't sure how I felt at first, but it soon became clear that yes, this man, I need to have him in my life. But he unfortunately had his eyes on someone else already.

Which was too bad for him because I'm so much cuter than that Bella girl. However, I continued to crush on him for the length of what would equate to the time needed to release three additional full feature films. 

Other than just the one time, he's been refusing because he doesn't know what to tell people when they ask him why his neck and chin are sparkly...apparently, it's not manly or some shit for a man to sport glitter. Who made that crazy rule? Ugh, he's clearly not a team player.

I tried to find and instill Edward's qualities into my boy scout, but he was never able to capture the same essence. I mean, he watches me while I sleep sometimes, but that wasn't enough...I wanted him to do it while standing at my open window near the corner and let me douse him with my Victoria's Secret glitter body spray.

I needed him to sparkle.

Bumbobi & Edward

Edward Cullen and yours truly

Edward, Bumbobi, Jacob

My heros: Judge Judy & Mr. Bean

Food: Pho, steak & shrimp scampi

Drink: Baileys, corona, melon milk

Past time: laying down - seriously

Place: my bed, twisted up in my comforters

Films: All things Tolkien, DC & Marvel

Shows: Friends & Game of Thrones

Reality Prgrm: Judge Judy & Run BTS

Music: BTS, oldies 80's-90's ballads & soft rock

Girl crush: Blake Lively & 박소담

Collects: hanged, dead dry roses

Spirit animal: Edna Mode - not an animal, I guess

Body art: Tats & body piercings

Store: Target, Best Buy & JoAnn Fabrics

Fears: Armageddon/Judgement Day/Oceans

Envies: Those with lifelong friendships

Comedian: John Mulaney, Preacher Lawson

Android/Apple: Android, hands down

Automatic/Manual: Both

Perfume: Acqua diGioia Georgio Armani



Anyway, these are all lovers of from an earlier life - I still hold very special places for them in my heart. Even though my boy scout has been very understanding and stood with me through all these years and failed love affairs...will he be understanding enough to be willing to share me with seven others at the same time? LOL! He really has no choice in this matter.

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BTS 2022
HYBE Entertainment

DISCLAIMER: Alright you guys, if you made it this far, I hope you realized very fast that this was written with sarcasm and humor and if you didn't appreciate it, then I'm afraid we can't be friends.

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