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Hello friends...can I have a few minutes of your time?


My girls have been presented with an incredible opportunity to go to Japan next year with their school and we'd love for them to have this experience so we're fundraising and seeking donations.


The cost is $5,829 each -  $11,658 total.


I'm taking other additional measures in trying to raise these funds myself too, but if you're able to assist in any dollar amount as well - no matter how small, it'll be most appreciated!







Thank you for reading!



Happy New Year!

It's 2023


...what even happened? 

I really gotta stop living in auto-pilot. Seems like it was just last week that I was at the lake complaining about the sun in my face and sweat pooling up beneath the boobs. It really is a love-hate relationship here with the weather. No, I will never stop complaining when it's too cold or too hot.

It's supposedly the best of both worlds...screw that. I hate the 100 degree hot, humid sticky heat AND I hate the bitter, negative 30 degree air temp and apparently now, the snowpocolypse.


LOL I'm actually the worst...when it's super hot, sunny and absolutely gorgeous out - I stay home because it's too hot and ew, I don't want to get sweaty and too much sun and heat just makes me sleepy.

Then when it's fall, do I put on uggs with a scarf and knit hat, grab a pumpkin spice latte, and go see the colors change? Nah, it's chilly, windy and I don't like to do a lot of walking, plus, I hate long drives.


Don't even get me started on's COLD, icky, wet and miserable. But omg when it snows like it just did, it's absolutely beautiful. I enjoy it by looking out the window - yeah, that's sufficient for me. 

As for Spring, I don't hate it...I do love the smell of wet pavement. I crave loud thunderous rainstorms. The kind of thunder claps, wakes you up in your sleep and the lightning lights up the whole room. 


It's ok, you can say it, I'm such a boring person. I lack adventure and I'm so ok with it. I hate being a busy body. My days are already so busy that I value any downtime I can get so I recharge and catch up on the silly little things that I enjoy doing - at home where I can easily access my bed to lounge.

LOVE IT!  But we don't get enough of it. There's always just enough rain to get things wet and make it annoying. 



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